[RP TownTalk] Apartment taxes

Sue Collins wheadle at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 6 10:34:31 UTC 2007

Reading the e-mails about establishing additional fees
on apartments - I live in one of the smaller apartment
buildings in town, and my rent just went up $40 a
month, which is quite a chunk out of my paycheck.  If
additional fees are added, it's a sure bet that my
rent will go up a lot more next year.  I have to agree
with other posters, this proposal seems to be
anti-apartment dweller.  Apartment renters have always
been more-or-less treated as "the red-headed stepchild
at the family reunion" in town and now it would appear
to me that some people want to price us right out of
the area.  Granted, some apartment dwellers aren't
nice people, but many are and many, such as myself,
have lived in town for quite a while (I'm here 20
years this year).  We contribute to the tax base by
shopping at local stores, paying taxes through our
rent, etc. 

Thank you for letting me have my say, and thank YOU
Mr. Kiernan for your voice of reason.   

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