[RP TownTalk] Rental options in RP

Alice Ewen Walker alice at ewenwalker.com
Sat Jun 9 00:19:46 UTC 2007

Last night the council agreed that we will review fees for a variety
of items at the next work session to see if any merit adjustment. As
Mr. Yorke notes, our fees are in line with surrounding towns, so I
wouldn't expect big changes in this area.

The work session is June 18.

Alice Ewen Walker

> And yes, despite the gross misinformation seemingly purposely decimated by
> one former councilperson, we pay ENORMOUS amounts of property tax -- more
> than $25,000 last year -- and a $75 per unit annual rental license. If RP
> were to increase the taxes just to beef up the new budget, our struggling,
> family-run operation would suddenly be turned into as vast wasteland of old
> bricks, new carpeting and paint, and no humans standing (or
> sleeping=renting). Sort of the tax version of the H bomb.
> (That said, the town's current proposed budget does not appear to be out of
> line. Reasonable economic growth must be achieved to keep services on par
> with surrounding areas. But town's folk should not be satisfied with keeping
> the neighborhood "on par" and should seek Cafritz-like development
> possibilities throughout the town to increase standard of living to
> equal similar neighborhoods in MoCo, Fairfax and Arlington.
> Or, am I the only one sick of The Washington Post describing the average
> Prince George's community as "a modest, blue-collar neighborhood" and
> generally being accurate?
> Jeffrey Yorke
> Yorke Property Management, Inc.
> 301-502-1243
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Alice Ewen Walker

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