[RP TownTalk] Wachovia Project

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 18:09:42 UTC 2007

Vern, thanks for this -- very helpful in clarifying the issues and
positions of the 3 towns.
Has the today's hearing concluded? Was any action taken?  Thanks, again.

On 6/13/07, Vernon Archer <varcher at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Friends and Neighbors,
> I would like to share some information on the Wachovia Bank proposal for
> East-West and Baltimore Avenue.
> First, it is both the position of Riverdale Park and Hyattsville that the
> Planning Board (the ultimate zoning authority) should approve the project if
> all conditions set forth in the project review by the Planning Board
> professional staff are met. I verified this last evening with Hyattsville's
> Mayor, Bill Gardiner.
> Riverdale Park's Council endorsed the separate MUTC committee
> recommendations too, but they are all covered by the Planning review.  The
> only ongoing issue, and it is a big one no doubt, is that the developer is
> still asking for 4 drive through lanes, while the review (and therefore
> Riverdale and Hyattsville) demands 3 at most.  I believe the Planning Board
> will not budge on this--it will be 3 if the project goes forward. Since
> Riverdale Park took this position, only a super-majority vote on the Board
> can allow more than 3 lanes.
> Also, I spoke directly to Mayor John Tabori of University Park last evening
> to refresh my memory about his town's position, and to get an update if it
> had changed since the first hearing was held in April.  He said that his
> town opposes the Wachovia plan because it calls for four drive through
> lanes. I asked what their position will be if the Planning Board demands
> that it be taken down to three lanes as the staff report calls for, and as
> Riverdale Park and Hyattsville endorse.  Mayor Tabori said that the plan
> would then be acceptable at three lanes.
> Therefore, all three Towns have the exact same position on the only major
> issue: No Project with four drive through lanes;  three drive through lanes
> are acceptable.
> I understand that some oppose the project regardless, and I respect their
> opinions.  There clearly are things to oppose about it. However, it is the
> opinion of those who are responsible for and elected to represent the whole
> interest of the Town of Riverdale Park, that a reduced project is in that
> best overall interest.
> Best wishes,
> Vern
> --
> Vernon Archer, Mayor
> Town of Riverdale Park, Maryland

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