[RP TownTalk] Wachovia Project

David Lingua djlingua at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 14 01:44:39 UTC 2007

 I forgot how much I miss your posts. I could read
them all day. By the way, what's a coffe ship and will
it dock in the port towns area? And if/when it
arrrives, then will our ship have come in?
--- Lou King <lking at knob.com> wrote:

> Just a question for all those that appose the
> Wachovia Bank and those 
> that were asking about the tax rate. And those that
> were pipe dreaming 
> about fancy grocery stores (like on P St) that have
> no interest in this 
> area because of demographics.
>  From a logical point of view, I assume you are not
> in more than one of 
> these groups (OK so the bank and the grocery would
> be nice).  Here is 
> the Rt 1/East-West Hw corner, 3-4 years into the
> process and Wachovia 
> close to building a structure, if approved, and
> providing revenue to the 
> town SOON!  This bank building could replace the
> long lamented, on this 
> forum, loss of the revenue from the space at "M"
> Square (or where ever 
> it was).
> New fancy stores on the area between RP and CP are
> nice: they are not in 
> our back yard, we get the revenue, and they are down
> the road so we can 
> talk about the for years.
> The Wachovia project is here and almost now. How is
> your tax rate next 
> year? How are your street being paid for? how is
> your police protection? 
> How's paying for the town staff to do nice things
> like promote the town 
> an try to attract those coffee ships and farmer's
> markets, bike/hiking 
> trails ...
> Lou King
> Vernon Archer wrote:
> > Dear Friends and Neighbors,
> >  
> > I would like to share some information on the
> Wachovia Bank proposal 
> > for East-West and Baltimore Avenue.
> >
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