[RP TownTalk] Creating A New Order of Things...ALL COMMENTS in TownTalk Digest, Vol 11, Issue 18

Iris McLaurin-Southall elsiegoh at starpower.net
Sat Jun 16 16:18:23 UTC 2007

Creating A New Order of Things...

Hey Folks,
I have been snowed under for the last two months, and unable to respond,
show up at meetings, sit on the porch, turn on the stove to cook (see how
much weight Sky and I have lost! Ok, don't answer the part about me.) ...
but today, I just had to write to tell my neighbors how wonderful it is to
be a card carrying RP resident.  

I always glance at the Digest each day in the wee hours of the morning to
see what's happening in our neck of the woods, and I appreciate those of you
who take the time to report and inform.  But, there is something about the
mix of comments today (Vol 11, Issue 18)  that just made me feel warm,
connected and secure, as if I was sitting on Aunt Bee's porch, sipping warm
cider, and waiting for Andy and Opie to come home. 

My days are so hectic, and yes, often very emotionally stressful.  The
people for whom my programs help to have a better quality of life live in
such unfortunate situations, and my heartaches many times at the sheer
neglect, waste and lack of concern for preserving life and values many
Americans have, we take much for granted.   But today, something about the
comments today just made me glad to be alive, and glad to a part of this
wholesome, alive community that is somehow, set apart.  

David, Lou, Rob, Susan, Holly, Adrianne, Alice, and Emily... you really
brought some smiles and peaceful thoughts into an already overwhelmed
morning.  Coupled with a background symphony of the birds' songs, and train
whistles, I am so happy.  I should have known this would be a great day when
my little baby squirrel friend came up to my screened window inquiring about
her nuts.  I had not seen the little feller in months!  By the way, Alan,
Lisa, and Bruce...I'm doing much better coexisting with and appreciating the
opossums.  The point Bruce made that they were here before my house was
here, really hit a soft spot.  

By the way, Audrey, you didn't write today, but I always scan the Digest to
see if you did!  Thank you for being you!  And Emily, I think you should
have the closing warm-spot remarks every day!

Folks, I think we will be ok, as we support, advise and co-partner with our
Mayor to Create A New Order of Things (Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince).
Alan, thank you so much for maintaining The Digest.

Oliver Street

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