[RP TownTalk] An Electioneering Policy for TownTalk

Rob Oppenheim rob.oppenheim at comcast.net
Mon Mar 5 23:08:35 UTC 2007

The proposed TownTalk election policy is really just 3 paragraphs long, namely:

1. No electioneering will be allowed on a town sponsored email list by anyone except as specified in these rules. Negative attacks shall not be allowed.

2. Candidates may make one TownTalk post announcing their candidacy and positions. This post may contain self-promoting statements. This post may endorse other candidates but shall not speak against any person or candidate. This post may include contact information including references to web sites.

3. Candidates may also make other posts to TownTalk that do not contain electioneering. They may participate in discussions on topics and issues but shall not mention any of the following: 1) the election, 2) that they are a candidate, 3) other candidates directly or indirectly.

The rest of the document just deals with procedure for the email list administrator.
And is aimed at having the policy implemented in a fair and even manner.

This policy and procedure was a consensus. There were many concerns voiced, as an example, it was worried that TownTalk could get so many emails that people will drop off the list. Along with many other opposing view points that were put forward. While the policy does not meet any one person's preferences, it does address the issue in a reasonable manner. It will be fairly easy to evolve with time. Your suggestions are always welcomed. 

This email election policy will be discussed and voted on at tonight's meeting.

Hope to see you there.

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