[RP TownTalk] Pet Store

Leslie Plant leslieplant at verizon.net
Sun Mar 11 15:15:45 UTC 2007

Dan is Jonah's and my next-door neighbor and a really good guy.  He said
that he would do his best to stock what folks need, so if you use a
particular type of pet food, run it by him and see if he'll carry it for
you.  I know I'd rather pay a couple bucks more to shop right in my
neighborhood then have the hassle of driving through traffic to the big pet
warehouse stores.   I'm excited!  






-----Original Message-----
From: towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org
[mailto:towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org] On Behalf Of Bruce Wernek
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 4:59 PM
To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
Subject: [RP TownTalk] Pet Store




I am pleased to announce that a pet store operated by Dan Gignac will be
opening in the Town Center at 6214 Rhode Island Ave on or before April 1st.
Dan intends to have fish, birds, reptiles, plants, pet supplies, and
numerous other items at his store.  I encourage all of you with pets to do
business with Dan.  He's a Riverdale Park resident and needs our support to
stay in business.  I've heard a lot of talk about economic development in
this Town.  How about opening your wallets and shopping at Dan's rather than
Petco, Petsmart, etc.  You might have to pay a little more for a product at
Dan's store, but you will save gas thereby save money because you won't have
to drive as far.  I'll be shopping there.


I believe the name of Dan's pet store is Old Town Pets.  Pay him a visit
even before he formally opens.  I'm sure he would be happy to meet you and
discuss your pet needs.  Dan is working hard to make our Town a better place
to live.  Let's show him we are happy he's here.



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