[RP TownTalk] TownTalk List

Lou King lking at knob.com
Mon Mar 12 01:07:10 UTC 2007

Different soap box.

Speaking of the 121 members of this list, I would like to clarify a 
statement I made at the council meeting last week.  As has happened 
before, some members of the council dismissed the list and the views 
voiced here as not being significant. With my dander up, stated that the 
121 members of the list could have elected more than one of them. I 
would like to 'Correct and extend my remarks.'  The following was 
extracted from the /*Criers*/ posted on the town web page.
June 2005 /*Crier*/, Election Results May 2, 2005
Mayor 478 to 363 difference 115
Ward 1 243 to 54 difference 189
Ward 2 164 to 73 difference 91
Ward 3 114 to 79 difference 35
Ward 4 53 votes cast
Ward 5 12 votes cast
Ward 6 17 votes cast

March 2005 /*Crier*/, Special Election Runoff February 18, 2005
Total votes cast 153, 121 to 30 (2 voided)

The 121 of "us" could run this town!


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