[RP TownTalk] Pet store - yay!

Sue Collins wheadle at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 13 11:06:18 UTC 2007

I saw Dan at the store the other day and had a talk
with him; he said they're looking at opening around
April 1.  They'll have a full line of dog and cat
products, PLUS small animals, birds, and reptiles, and
all their supplies.  My guinea pigs and I are
delighted to hear it!  Some of the posts mentioned
that we might pay more for supplies at his store;
actually I might end up saving money - I don't have a
car, so I usually take a bus to Petsmart and after
stocking up, take a cab home.  Being as the closest
PetSmart is Greenbelt, that's quite a piece of change
for a cab ride!  If he's a Riverdale resident, then he
no doubt knows that he can refer his customers to
Lynn's for veterinary care.  (by the way, for any of
you who might be new to town, Lynns' DOES veterinary
work on small animals, including birds, guinea pigs,
etc, and they're excellent)  I know we have lots of
animal lovers here in town, this will be a welcome
addition to our town center.  I prefer shopping at
individually owned stores rather than the "big box"
stores whenever possible.  The big stores might be
where the money is, but the smaller stores give a town
its character.  Welcome, Old Town pets!

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