[RP TownTalk] Riverdale Elementary Career Day

kira branson kmb12067 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 13 18:02:18 UTC 2007

We were hoping that some residents of Riverdale might be able to participate or come up with some recommendations of localish people or businesses that would be interested in participating in our Career Day, May 31st. Traditionally we have had places like the Police and Fire Dept., Gasch's funeral home, and a few of the students' parents sharing their professions. We would like to continue this tradition and include more individuals and companies/businesses from our community to share the rigors and interests of their professions to our children.  Larger demonstrations are usually set up in centers for classes to visit, while individuals usually travel through classrooms with their presentations. Please be reminded that for children the seemingly simplest profession can be as fascinating as rocket scientists.
  For more details please contact me via email or Rebbecca Roland our staff guidance counselor.  Your participation would very much be appreciated.
  Kira Branson

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