[RP TownTalk] Old Town Pets Status

Bruce Wernek bruce.wernek at mindspring.com
Fri Mar 23 21:01:31 UTC 2007

I am pleased to announce that Old Town Pets located in the Town Center is
moving along nicely.  The rear section of the store is setup for fish.  This
section has been painted a medium blue with decorative plant like accents.
Most of the fish tanks have been put in place and filled with water and
gravel has been placed in some of them.  Dan Gignac, the pet shop owner, is
in the process of conditioning the water in the fish tanks through aeration.
This removes the chlorine present in the tap water making it suitable for
fish.    He intends to have both salt and fresh water fish.  He has also
setup a large pond which will contain Koi.  Dan will be going to a pet show
within the next few weeks where he intends to purchase fish and merchandise
for the pet shop.
The beauty of a local business is that it caters to the community by
carrying items which are used by it's residents.  I urge all of you to make
a list of your pet needs and email it to Dan.  This way he can purchase what
you need so it will be there when you stop by.  Judy Glaes has already done
so.  Why don't all of us give Dan the support he needs to get off to a good
start.  Dan's email is dan.gignac at hotmail.com
I will continue to provide status reports on the pet shop and let everyone
know when it will be opening as soon as I get a date.
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