[RP TownTalk] Suspicious activities, continued

Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland twacks at his.com
Sat Mar 24 12:02:18 UTC 2007

This has also been discussed on the HOPE listserve.

Believe it or not, this is apparently semi-legitimate. When these  
meat trucks make a delivery, if there is left-over food, it is often  
easier to sell it to someone nearby than to truck it back to the  
farm. No one I know of has been hurt by these meat-selling guys, and  
some people use them regularly to get a great price on high-quality  
butchered meats. (Maybe we should ask him if he'd like to come to our  
farmer's market next time!)

The reason I say it is "semi-legitimate" is that sometimes (but  
definitely not always) the people delivering the meat will deliver  
less meat to the store than was ordered, and take the leftovers and  
sell it at a higher (closer to retail) price to individuals in the  


On Mar 23, 2007, at 9:11 AM, Euniverz at aol.com wrote:

> I'll throw my suspicious incident into the mix.
> On Saturday, someone knocked on my door.  The "other" man of the  
> house, my imposing, loveably ugly, 90 pound bulldawg, launched into  
> action and barked madly and continuously.  It backed the man off  
> the front porch and from the window I could see the man was  
> suddenly far more concerned that someone might actually OPEN the  
> door and let the dog out!!!  AHA!!!  That's when I know I'm back in  
> control....
> Anyway, the guy said he was "selling" cuts of beef and chicken.  He  
> had a white pick up truck with red block lettering that said  
> "beef"  "chicken".  There were open boxes strewn in the bed of the  
> truck that looked like waxy frozen meat cases.  I opened the door   
> just a crack, told him I was a vegetarian, but the dogs eat meat  
> (still barking his head off), smiled, and closed the door.  He was  
> very diligent and was SURE the gate was latched when he made it to  
> the other side.
> I thought it very odd that someone would try to sell meat off the  
> back of a truck (can you say e. coli?) and figured it was just a  
> stolen shipment of meat, but who knows, maybe his intentions were  
> different.
> Adrianne Lefkowitz
> Madison Street

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