[RP TownTalk] Suspicious activities, continued

Lou King lking at knob.com
Sat Mar 24 16:39:40 UTC 2007

If I am not mistaken, to sell or solicit or peddle door to door in 
Riverdale Park a person needs to get a letter/license from the town.  Of 
course these "legit" meat sellers have MD tax numbers etc. (Although 
they are selling food they still need a tax number.)

The deliver-less-than-ordered or deliver-less-than-invoiced are time 
honored trucker/delivery scams. In this case, the meat not delivered is 
then sold off the books.  Depending on the relationship between the 
truck driver, farmer and firm invoiced the meat may be written off as 
lost or damaged or refused. In any case someone gets ripped off.

In my mind this falls in the same category as the  two guys walking 
around a few weeks ago 'letting neighbors know we will be making some 
noise repairing other's kitchens (oh would you like an estimate?)' or 
the guys that pull into my driveway offering to repair you car.

No, I don't like door to door solicitation.

Lou King

> *I think that man may (or may not) have been legit. 
> *
> Carol DePrato
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