[RP TownTalk] suspicoius incidents

Sue Collins wheadle at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 27 12:02:50 UTC 2007

Well, if you've noticed the police have been on
Ravenswood Road a lot, you've probably noticed they've
been at my apartment building on the corner a lot (saw
'em here again last night); I've lived in that
building 20 years this year, and I'm willing to bet
that the police have been at the building more in the
past few months than they've been there in the 20
years I've lived there.  The police have been there
often enough to know that there's illegal activity
going on, but as some of the tenants seem to go back
and forth between apartments,I can't tell who lives
where.  There's a few of us in the building who have
been there a long time, and we're getting disgusted
with what's going on.  Can I ask, ARE there any
apartment buildings in town, big or little, which have
reasonable rent and where the police aren't there
every day?  I'd planned on staying put for a few years
at least until I retire, but I don't know if I'm going
to make it...
(I agree with others, I think this forum is a great
site, esp. for sharing information on keeping each
other informed on matters like this)

Hi Sue - My husband said the woman was African
American, 5'10" and 
about 140
lbs. She was wearing a jean jacket and a hooded
sweatshirt, gap in her
teeth, short hair pulled back w/red lipstick.

I've noticed the police have been on our street a lot.

I'd feel terrible if it was a legitimate request. But
then again a 
person doesn't or shouldn't need jumper cables!


-----Original Message-----
From: towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org
[mailto:towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org] On Behalf
Of Sue Collins
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 7:12 AM

Thanks for letting us know; it's sad that you have to
be suspicious, but unfortunately that's the way things
are, nowadays.  I live at the apartment building at
4701 Ravenswood.  I've been there 20 years this year,
and we've had the police come to our building more in
the past year than in the whole 20 years I've lived
there.  Really sad.  Do you have a description of the
woman who knocked on your door in case any of us see

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