[RP TownTalk] An Electioneering Policy for TownTalk

Marc Molino mmolino54 at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 5 13:36:52 UTC 2007

I tend to agree with Roland that this seems overly complicated.

Why not simply mandate that anyone running for election must preface their 
posts (all of them) with a disclaimer as soon as their candidacy is 
announced? It might look something like this at the top of every message:

Those who don't post the disclaimer will be moderated or banned from the 
list until after the election. Give'em one warning if they mess up.

As for negative attack ads and the like, these already seem barred by the 
regular posting standards for the list. And anyone who follows this list is 
going to know that bombarding the list with sheer propaganda is going to 
either hurt their chances or simply be ignored. The subscriber count is 
something like 121 for this list, if I recall correctly, and that's separate 
addresses, not necessarily unique individuals, so we're not talking about a 
huge chance to sway mass public opinion.

Personally, I'd like to hear as much from the candidates as possible and see 
some open debate/discussion that is not limited by time or place.

Hope everyone had a good weekend,
Marc Molino

PS--[personal disclaimer of my own: Somehow I received written credit two 
Town Crier's ago for helping with the Holiday Festival. As I did nothing to 
assist with the event, credit was certainly not due. I hope all those who 
did work on the event were mentioned--they did a great job!)

From: Rob Oppenheim <oppenheim at email.com>
To: TownTalk <towntalk at riverdale-park.org>
Subject: [RP TownTalk] An Electioneering Policy for TownTalk
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2007 22:00:28 -0500

Attached is a policy and procedure statement for using the town sponsored
email lists (TownTalk) during an election season.

It represents the views of several people and is a pretty good compromise.
It is a good start and should do well for this upcoming election.
Perhaps it will be improved in the future as we gain experience.

The council will consider this Monday evening 3/5/07.
(It is not an ordinance and can take effect immediately.)


<< EmailListElectionPolicyandProcedure.doc >>

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