[RP TownTalk] code and vendors discussion

Lou King lking at knob.com
Fri Nov 2 18:35:12 UTC 2007

Not to start a flurry of competing studies, but there are alternative 
approaches that also work. For example: From the /Center on Juvenile and 
Criminal Justice/  http://www.cjcj.org/pubs/windows/windows.html 

The conclusion in the Executive Summary states:

"The study shows that strict law enforcement approaches emphasizing 
arrests, prosecutions, convictions, and incarceration do not reduce 
crime rates. By following an opposite approach to cities such as New 
York, San Francisco achieved dramatic reductions in crime that exceeded 
most other national cities while decreasing arrest rates and reducing 
prison commitments by 67%. Based on this study, a reexamination of 
popular assumptions about crime and crime control are necessary."

More recently there is the Washington Post column 
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A46381-2005Jan29.html  "A 
Crack in the Broken-Windows Theory."

This all begs the question, 'instead of what?'  I seem to remember that 
the folks north of 410 and west of the tracks feel that 'no one ever 
comes over here (unless they want our vote)!'  Which other part of town 
should be added to the list?  I can't remember his name but there was a 
resident at the meeting last Monday (and will be there on the 5th) who 
wants to have a protest demonstration in front of the 7-11 on Kenilworth 
to dissuade the people hanging around, "hassling people and dealing drugs".

Its all a matter of priorities.


Roland Walker wrote:
> [lou writes]
>> Are
>> you suggesting we put "roses" above other priorities? Or are you suggesting
>> we raise taxes for the express purpose of eliminating roses from our town?
>> Lets take a vote on that.
>>  In a zero sum game if one thing wins something loses. What do you
>> suggest?
> http://www.manhattan-institute.org/pdf/_atlantic_monthly-broken_windows.pdf
> R
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