[RP TownTalk] puppies for sale

Euniverz at aol.com Euniverz at aol.com
Sun Oct 7 15:20:48 UTC 2007

Amazing indeed.  I expected only to hear that Dan got these dogs from  a 
perfectly reputable source (which seems to be the case) which I wouldn't have  
even questioned.  And don't.  
To answer your question, I also think there should be more programs like  
"Wednesday's child". The similar spots for animals are EXTRAORDINARILY  
successful in finding new homes for them.  I volunteer for many animal  agencies and I 
would strongly encourage and commend, and would certainly not  belittle, 
anyone for working with the charitable agency of their  choosing. 

It is  amazing that so much energy and effort has been made of one line to   
Town Talk on Wednesday:   

The good news is that Dan, of  Old Town Pets in beautiful downtown Riverdale  
Park, does have  puppies coming in today. Pet 'em,' pick 'em, buy' em, love  

In retrothink, I wonder if such compassion and emotion were invested  in  
humans, that WRC-TV/4's Barbara Harrison would not have to  offer up  
for adoption -- "Wednesday's Child" -- as she does  on Sunday mornings  and 
Wednesday evenings. Those "pets" need good,  loving homes too and I  wonder 
there is as much thought and  emotion expended on them as there was in  this 

Just my  observation...

Jeffrey Yorke  


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