[RP TownTalk] 4-H informational meeting

Arletta Gustafson arlettag at comcast.net
Mon Oct 8 02:12:14 UTC 2007

Good evening!
I am attaching the flyer for the 4-H club to this message.  I have put it in
both MS Publisher and Word formats.  Feel free to share it.  I told a couple
of people that this would be coming out today.  However, you'll note that
only an email is included.  I am having my phone number changed from a
Washington State number to a local number tomorrow.  Since I don't have a
land line at home, I need to wait until I get to work.  I will resend the
flyer tomorrow with a phone number, but I wanted to get the word out there
as soon as possible.
Please feel free to share this with anyone that you think may be interested.
They don't have to be from Riverdale Park.  
I have had a couple of people express interest in speaking at the club
meetings.  Please let me know if you or anyone else would like to speak on a
topic related to animals, domestic or wild.  
I am going to approach Riverdale ES to see about posting information there.
I'm also going to ask about posting it here in my building.  If you know of
any other good places to post, let me know where and, if possible, who to
As always, if you have any questions, please let me know.
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