[RP TownTalk] 4-h has a page on the RP wiki!

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 01:52:43 UTC 2007

I want to thank Arletta for making use of the RP Community Wiki to get
the word out on the 4-H Club -- and at the same time helping to build
the wiki into a useful tool for residents of our community.

Many of us are familiar with Wikipedia -- and for most of us that may
be the only instance of the term "wiki" that we've come across.  What
is a wiki? A couple of online definitions offer the following:

-A website or similar online resource which allows users to add and
edit content collectively.

-This is a website that includes the collaboration of work from many
different authors. A wiki site allows anyone to edit, delete, or
modify the content on the web. (The first wiki creator named the site
after a chain of buses in Hawaii; Wiki means "quick" in Hawaiian.)

-From a Hawaiian word that means "quick", a wiki is a website that can
be quickly edited by visitors to produce a kind of collaborative

-a wiki is a website that visitors can edit using their browser.
Groups can use a wiki to author documents collaboratively. An example
is Wikipedia.org , the collaborative encyclopaedia.

In addition to the link Arletta gave for her 4-H page, the 4-H Club is
also included in the list  of Organizations & Civic Committees which
is found at: http://rpwiki.wetpaint.com/page/ORGANIZATIONS+%26+CIVIC+COMMITTEES

I'm sure there are many other groups not yet included in that list
that should be there -- and any one should please feel free to add
those to the list.  Also, you can add a page to tell about your group
or activity or organization, as Arletta has done with the 4-H Club. If
you already have a website for your group, you could link to it here;
or you could build your organization's webpage right here on the wiki.
 It's pretty much fool proof and requires virtually no technical
knowledge at all to create, compose or edit pages.

Also--please take a look at the community calendar.  Everyone can help
keep the calendar accurate and up-to-date (making it useful resource)
by making sure the events they are involved or concerned with are
listed on there. The calendar can be found at:

On 10/9/07, Arletta Gustafson <arlettag at comcast.net> wrote:
> Here is the link to the Riverdale Park 4-H Club's wiki page.
> http://rpwiki.wetpaint.com/page/Riverdale+Park+4-H
> Feel free to make comments and share it with anyone you feel may be
> interested.
> I plan to keep it updated with all of the goings-on of the club.  Let me
> know if there is anything that you think should be added to it.
> I want to thank Dwight for tweaking the color on it.  It's much better than
> it was last night.
> Also, I have put the first meeting on the calendar.
> Arletta
> Join the Riverdale Park 4-H Club
> http://rpwiki.wetpaint.com/page/Riverdale+Park+4-H

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