[RP TownTalk] Town Crier contact info

Rob Oppenheim rob.oppenheim at comcast.net
Thu Oct 11 00:26:27 UTC 2007

On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:52:50 -0400, Arletta Gustafson wrote:
>Does anyone have the contact info and requirements for submissions [to the Town Crier]?  
Best to use MS Word to write an article.
You may include clip art and pictures.
Attach it to an email and send it to RPtowncrier at comcast.net

There is no guarantee of it running (depends on space available) but most submissions do get in.

The 15th is the deadline each month.
The Town Crier  is published 10 times/year. (No January issue, and usually no August issue).

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