[RP TownTalk] \Del Ross Moster Mash at UPES

Roland Walker walker at pobox.com
Sat Oct 13 18:53:49 UTC 2007

Saw this on another mailing list.


Delegate Ross - 1st Annual Monster Mash Posted by: "Justin Ross"
jross at themichaelcos.com Fri Oct 12, 2007 1:08 pm (PST)
Dear Friends:

Please join my family and me for our 1st Annual Monster Mash (flyer
attached). This FREE Community Event will take place on Friday,
October 26th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the gymnasium of University
Park Elementary School. We will have music, live magic, kids games,
crafts and food. Wear your costume and join us in our costume parade.
This event is open to the public so spread the word and bring your
friends and neighbors. We look forward to seeing you at the Monster
Mash. Questions please contact Nancy Ross at legaleagle001 at hotmail.com
or 301-717-3680.


Delegate Justin Ross

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