[RP TownTalk] Arts District

Sarah Wayland sarah.wayland at gmail.com
Mon Oct 29 09:58:09 UTC 2007

I for one would heartily endorse our town's efforts to become part of
the Arts District.

As well as bringing the nice "press" that Gerald King mentions, it
also provides some real zoning and licensing benefits, which I'd love
to know more about. I do remember reading that Franklin's was able to
get a liquor license (or a tavern license?? I can't remember this
story exactly....) more easily because of legislation passed for
businesses "in the Arts District".

I was really bummed when we missed out on it before, and I'd be doubly
bummed if we missed it a second time.

So I have two questions:

(1) Does anyone know where to find the legislation describing what we
get for being part of the Arts District?

(2) Does anyone know what is involved in the effort of applying? (In
the end, it's all about priorities, as there are only so many hours in
the day....)


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