[RP TownTalk] Sell It From Your Lawn But Stay Out of the Streets...

Yorkedial at aol.com Yorkedial at aol.com
Mon Oct 29 18:02:51 UTC 2007


Roland, Lou and the rest of you... 
If selling flowers in the street is illegal, why do we frequently see men  
standing in three lanes of 410 highway traffic holding firefighter's boots and  
begging for contributions? Doesn't this constitute a huge safety issue as they 
 bob and weave between oncoming vehicles? 
I see irony here when the "volunteer" ambulance  is dispatched to an accident 
scene to retrieve someone just begging for  this horror to happen. Society 
used to be embarrassed by begging and  beggars. This sends a message of 
Riverdale Park and Riverdale being down  and out. Arts District or no Arts District. 
And this ugly and very dangerous  practice is not exclusive to RP. I see it in 
Lanham and on New York Avenue  NE. 
What's next, priests from downtrodden parishes in the streets  begging on a 
Sunday afternoon to supplement light collection plates?
E. Gad Zooks!    
Jeffrey Yorke
PS: You'll not likely read an editorial on this topic in The Washington  Post 
since that paper is also often sold by in-street vendors. 
In a message dated 10/29/2007 1:37:07 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
lking at knob.com writes:

Roland  another point of agreement!

Street vendors on 410, Kenilworth and Rt  1,  may be like the storm sewer 
running from East Beale Cr under 410 to  46th and Sheridan St: Town points at the 
county and county says its on some 5  year plan (and has been for 12 years!).

But not to stray to far, Code  Enforcement did get my neighbor(s) to move on. 
 When they left with their  new SUV the rats etc. also left. Why were there 
rats? Because She twice a day  loaded her SUV with food to sell on the corner. 
Given the size of the beef and  turkey bones that got dragged into my yard 
from the bags of garbage, I'm glad  I never meet one of the beast face to face.

Other threads suggest  Riverdale Park needs to create more buzz.  Maybe we 
could become the  junk yard sale capital of the area, running from Rt #1 to  
Kenilworth or even onto 295 (Oh that's not Riverdale. Lets not pump-up  
neighbors!). With the nick-nacks offered this would also work into the Arts  District 
goal. ;-)  Jest, only in jest!

If a neighbor would help  me get the old coot back in the attic I would thank 

Roland  Walker wrote:  
Selling flowers in the street is absolutely illegal.  I've been

calling the police about it for years.


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