[RP TownTalk] Halloween

Rob Oppenheim rob.oppenheim at comcast.net
Wed Oct 31 08:06:00 UTC 2007

On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 19:34:16 -0400, cranky old coot wrote:
>"Gain one hour of sleep" How do you figure that Rob?

Recently seems that everyone wants me to show my computations.
Ok, here goes...

This gain-an-hour-of-sleep thing is one of the great constants of the universe. 
It happens to everyone - regardless of how sane and normal, or paranoid and 
cranky they are.

Of course, the lucky ones live in ignorant bliss. They set their clocks back 
just before retiring on Nov 3, and presto, they are sleepy an hour early and 
hit the sack for an extra hour of sleep. Simple.

The rest of us (that is, Lou and I) fret and worry about the insanity of it all. 
Or at least, the insanity of daylight savings time. So for 1 to 3 weeks ahead 
of the change, we stay up late and fret over how it saves no energy, ruins 
Halloween, messes with the VCR, generates worthless TownTalk messages,
etc etc.

Yet we still form a plan for how we will deal with it. On Nov 3, I will swallow 
extra coffee and attempt to stay up to 2 am to make sure my new 
automatic clock actually sets itself back to 1 am. 

Lou will do it the old fashion way and set his alarm for 2 am to get up and 
fumble around setting his clocks and VCR. In reality, he will only succeed 
at resetting his alarm clock back to 1am, so it will go off again at 2am...

Of course, both of us have built up weeks worth of sleep deprivation worrying
about this. (Check the time stamp on this email). So on Nov 3, despite the 
coffee and acid reflux, both Lou and I will actually fall asleep in our favorite 
chair an hour earlier than normal. And sure enough we get an extra hour of sleep
too. So the universal constant works even for guys like the cranky old coot and me. 

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