[RP TownTalk] A reminder...

Arletta Gustafson arlettag at comcast.net
Wed Oct 31 18:47:47 UTC 2007

Happy Halloween everyone!
I have just picked up the key for tomorrow night's meeting and I wanted to
remind you all about it.  If you have any questions, feel free to give me a
call.  I will be in Goatman Hollow after 6 tonight, but I will be available
for calls most of tomorrow.  I know that a few of you are planning on
attending and that at least one of you will be late.  Don't worry about
that, show up when you can.
See you then!
You'll learn all about animals 

How to care for them

The science of how they work

How they all rely on each other for survival

And more!

If you are between 5 and 18 years old, then

join us at the Edmonston Rec Center on Tanglewood Drive

November 1, 2007 at 6:30 pm

Contact Arletta: arlettag at comcast.net


Join the Riverdale Park 4-H Club
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