[RP TownTalk] 3 cheers for good government!

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 17:07:30 UTC 2007

I wrote an email to Parks & Planning late yesterday afternoon,
alerting them to the fact that there had been broken glass on the
Northeast Branch Trail under the E-W Hwy bridge for going on a week or

I used this address which I found on their website: public.affairs at pgparks.com

This morning I got a reply from Mindy Carey in the Public Affairs
office, thanking me for the alert, and saying she'd forward my message
to the concerned authority.

Just now I got an email from Stephanie Neal who wrote, "My park staff
is cleaning up the broken glass as I write this e-mail.Thank you for
bringing this issue to our attention."

I say 3 cheers for good government, and the people who make it work!

BTW, Mindy Carey said that the "public.affairs at pgparks.com" is a good,
all-purpose email address to use -- they will forward our emails to
the appropriate offices.  I've added this to the list of important
contact information on the wiki:


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