[RP TownTalk] Walnut wood

gerald at geraldking.com gerald at geraldking.com
Tue Oct 23 13:34:53 UTC 2007

 Some years ago I had several sculptor friends who would gladly take your
Walnut tree. I've lost touch with most of them, but I can check around.
The University of MD art department may be interested, and if they have
any ambitious art students, this might be ideal.
I'll check around and let you know if I find an artist willing to take it
off your hands.
Gerald King

I sent this a few days ago, but it didn't go through

> Does any know of someone who would like walnut wood?
>   I have a tree that did not survey the dry summer. Free to who ever wants
> it.
>   You will need to cut it down. Easy access.
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