[RP TownTalk] Kenilworth Ave. meeting

Alice Ewen Walker alice at ewenwalker.com
Wed Oct 24 03:55:46 UTC 2007

It was an informal open house structure. Park and Planning displayed a
series of boards decorated with pictures and descriptions of various
scenarios for housing, public spaces, streetscapes, etc.  Attendees
circulated and 'voted' by placing stickers on the visual images that
best expressed their vision for the community.  Many of the stickers
were centered around images of animated streetscapes, parks, outdoor
cafes, and a mix of uses that was more dense than single family
residential, but less dense than high rises.

It was a nice opportunity to network with residents from adjacent
neighborhoods like Templeton Knolls and Riverdale Heights. The
concerns residents expressed were held in common - primarily crime,
safety, and cleanliness of commercial areas on Kenilworth.

There was no report out or conclusion at the event. Tonight was
primarily survey-taking/ input gathering. Results will be collated and
shared later.


On 10/23/07, jcolema3 at aim.com <jcolema3 at aim.com> wrote:
> I'm very interested in what happened  at this meeting, even though I was
> busy with other things tonight. Does anyone have some insight on the gist
> of the meeting?
>  Thanks,
>  Jim Coleman
>  4911 Somerset Road
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Alice Ewen Walker
Councilwoman, Ward 1
Town of Riverdale Park

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