[RP TownTalk] Weekly Wiki Poll: Which local area eatery would you recommend?

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 22:27:38 UTC 2007

This week's Wiki Poll:

I'm trying a different polling software this time -- the Vizu one had
too many irritating quirks. We'll see if PollDaddy is any better...


To what local area restaurant would you happily steer your
open-minded, omnivore friend looking for a recommendation?

Your friend emails you, asking for a restaurant recommendation in the
area. Where do you send them?

The poll is set to accept multiple votes from your computer or network
-- this is to enable more than one person in a household to vote.
Please no ballot stuffing! :-)

This poll accepts write in votes (the last choice: click "Other" and
then fill in the write-in space)

Please add comments and rationale to the comments section at the
bottom of the page ("Add a Comment").


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