[RP TownTalk] What is the Town's policy on selling stuff on your lawn?

Roland Walker walker at pobox.com
Mon Oct 29 15:54:02 UTC 2007

Selling flowers in the street is absolutely illegal.  I've been
calling the police about it for years.

If we had had firm enforcement when it first started, the flower
vendors would have moved on.

Unlicensed businesses are also illegal, as is conducting a retail
enterprise on land which is not zoned commercial.

Why the town declines to enforce these laws has been a mystery to me
for a long time.


On 10/29/07, Paul Richards <paulric at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have noticed the same thing. I can certainly understand that a family that
> has hit on hard times may need to supplement their income by selling off
> some things they don't need/use/want anymore, but I've also noticed that
> this has become a daily business for them. When does a yard sale become a
> permanent business?
> I had also wondered about their parking situation. While they get a lot of
> exposure from all of the traffic that passes them, neither house has much
> space for people to park. Could this be adding to the traffic congestion at
> that intersection?
> Now for the big question: Is their business any different from the flower
> vendors who seem to be at that corner every day (or at least every weekend
> day)? If we want to do something about one vendor, do we need to do
> something about ALL vendors in that area? For that matter, is there
> something that we CAN do about street vendors?
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: "McDougall, Sherene (Law)" <Sherene.McDougall at ngc.com>
> To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 10:42:06 AM
> Subject: [RP TownTalk] What is the Town's policy on selling stuff on your
> lawn?
> I know if you have a lot of stuff you no longer need residents can hold a
> yard sale - can someone advise what is Riverdale town's policy for selling
> stuff on your lawn on a daily basis?  In particular, I would like to point
> out two homes on East/West Highway approaching Route 1 junction that seem to
> be in competition with each other for selling stuff on their front
> lawn/porch that is becoming an eyesore.  The residents of one home sells
> clothing and other knick knacks and the other home puts out tires, lawn
> mowers, old TVs, dishes, you name it, they probably will have it.  I am sure
> that they can probably take this stuff to the flea markets held at
> Northwestern High School parking lot and the church at the corner of
> East/West and Adelphi Road instead of having them curbside.  I have been
> reading on our towntalk how we would like to have our neighborhood looking
> and I certainly don't think this eyesore contributes to that look.  Thanks.
> Sherene
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