[RP TownTalk] Response to "Residents want retail... " article from 8/30/2007

Marc Molino mmolino54 at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 8 12:35:35 UTC 2007

Dear Ms. Prabhu:

First off, I would like to thank you for covering Riverdale Park and its 
commercial development issues in your article published two issues back 
(http://www.gazette.net/stories/083007/hyatnew164839_32358.shtml). I thought 
you did a fairly balanced job on the piece, but I did have a couple of 
concerns. Realizing that deadlines and space constraints may have shaped 
your piece, I think two important details were left out of the picture: 1) A 
successful farmer's market already takes place in the town center parking 
lot each Thursday which draws consumers from beyond Riverdale Park; and, 2) 
the pet store within the town center is a new business having just opened up 
a few months ago (given that the town center has been vacant for more than a 
decade this seems like a significant fact).

Again, your writing and attention are much appreciated. I only bring these 
details to light as I think they may provide a broader context for you in 
your future work. I hope that the Gazette plans on covering the September 
17th presentation by Riverdale Park's economic development consultant, which 
you mentioned in your piece.

Marc W. Molino
Riverdale Park, MD

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