[RP TownTalk] Our Market

OurDollMom at aol.com OurDollMom at aol.com
Sat Sep 8 13:46:18 UTC 2007

We do have people come from other areas
to our market. That is because our market is
not like other farmer markets. Usually you
park, purchase your food and leave. Our market
is a fun market also.  We have crafters/artists
- music - bubbles for kids to chase, a mini 
train that is a hobby to a young boy for people
to watch & chat with.  Flowers, plants, meats,
ice cream, do nut holes, coffee, food to eat.  
The Marc train
blaring/honking its horns - so fun. And every now
& then other interesting things  come & go.  We
are unique in a mini way.  People who visit our 
market appreciate us for that & say so.  And this
is how we should think about developing our Town
Center.  Reasonable, Modest, Unique, Fun, Historical.

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