[RP TownTalk] Shop Hours

OurDollMom at aol.com OurDollMom at aol.com
Sun Sep 9 12:29:43 UTC 2007

The doll shop is open on Thursdays
3:00 to 7:00 like the Market.  I probably will 
be open on Saturdays more towards Xmas.
My extra hours are on my ph.recording.
Since there is no foot traffic & since I
cannot repair in the shop - it is better
for me to stay home & repair than sit
idle in the shop. And right now there is
no space in the shop to sit & sew at 
my sewing machine which I used to do
when I was open 4 days a week.
If a customer cannot come on Thurs.
during the Market hours - then we make
an appt.  I live only down the street.

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