[RP TownTalk] Observatory

Paul Richards paulric at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 10 16:12:43 UTC 2007

An observatory is where a telescope is housed, and people can look at the stars "live" when weather conditions (and light pollution) allow it. A planetarium is where images of the stars are projected onto the inside of a domed ceiling, and people can learn about astronomy all year round, regardless of the weather and light conditions.
  BTW, I was only (half) joking about building a planetarium in Riverdale. There are other things that are much higher priorities on my list... 
  I'd rather have all the vacant buildings actually get tenants first. 
  I'd like to get the RR tracks fixed on Queensbury.
  I'd like to see the 4 way crossing guard installed there as well. 
  I'd *still* like to see the medians on East-West Highway beautified.
  I'd like to see the Neighborhood Watch program get off the ground. 
  I'd like to have the signage at the PGP Metro station replaced with accurate signs.
  I'd like to see... (fill in your own blank here).
Susan Lewis <medicinewoman56 at comcast.net> wrote:
  I hate to sound like a broken record, but I would still like a dog park. I
know - it's self serving and narrow minded. :-) 

BTW: What is the difference between an observatory and a planetarium? I
agree about the "copy cat" observation. Let's do something that makes us
unique. We are having such a good time with the community garden, how about
an Arboretum (sp) to go with it? 
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