[RP TownTalk] Town Center of Dreams

JayRite at aol.com JayRite at aol.com
Mon Sep 10 20:18:58 UTC 2007

I always find myself admiring and cheering on your spirit. I always love  the 
passionate ones.
But I'd like to offer some forethought to your recent sentiments on a  
"Field-of-Dreams-like" approach to this matter. 
If you're going to do that, you must focus. 
We are all clearly disappointed that buildings have been vacant for 20+  
years, (not sure how accurate that is as I've only been here for 10). But be  
careful who you choose to do battle with. "Jemalville" is catchy, but inaccurate  
as a target of our 20+ year angst. 
Douglas Development did not acquire the properties that they own until as  
recently as 2002-2003. [only 4-5 years ago, according to the The Maryland -  
National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC)]. I know we all  have had 
very high hopes that they would have turned those properties into  Shangrila, 
by now. But the fact of the matter is that they haven't yet, and  until the 
economy itself, generally turns to the better, probably won't right  away. 
Can they lower the rent? Sure! But, I ask you, what kind of business  will 
that bring in? I'm sure if you put enough pressure on the developer they  may 
give in. But be careful what you wish for. We may end up with a Pawn Shop, a  
check cashing place, laundry mat, etc... 
You thought that vacant buildings were a nuisance, believe me, it can  be 
much worse. If vacancy means holding out for the things that we really  want, 
long term. I'm willing to wait a little while longer. 
Apply pressure gently, and accurately.
Not advice, just an observation.
Jay Wright 
By the way, I can't remember who posted putting art displays in the vacant  
windows, but that was a pretty cool idea, I have to say.
In a message dated 9/10/2007 3:27:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
bruce.wernek at mindspring.com writes:

Why don't we round up everyone in the town, make up a bunch of signs saying  
Jemalville, and demonstrate in front of the Town Center screaming these  
buildings have been vacant for 20+ years and we've had enough.  Then  make 
arrangements for the Washington Post to interview some of us while we are  
demonstrating.  Maybe we could even get some coverage on News 4.  We  did it with the 
Field of Dreams, we can do it now.  How about some  volunteers?


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