[RP TownTalk] Town Center of Dreams

JayRite at aol.com JayRite at aol.com
Tue Sep 11 00:38:28 UTC 2007

Sorry Bruce but I believe that you're incorrect on most  counts. 
Once THOSE business are here they will never leave. I've seen it all over  PG 
County and in DC. (Born and raised). And it's just true. How do I  know this? 
I AM a residential Developer. I work for a company that played a  major part 
in revitalizing The U Street corridor, by building a rich  residential 
environment and persuading the highly regarded businesses to  follow. It just doesn't 
work the other way around. (No I don't work for  Douglas, but I know that 
they also participated in the U St. corridor  revitalization)) 
You have to understand that the economy is very stale right now. And yes it  
is tempting to allow lower rent business to move in the interim, to at least 
get  businesses there. But I assure you that THOSE types of businesses want 
long  term leases, and once there, stay there. PERIOD. And Starbucks isn't going 
to  settle between AAA laundry and King Pawn. I Guarantee that. And then we'll 
all  be angry that Jemal won't get rid of them. Well, believe me that they 
are very  aware that the best way to get rid of them is to not let 'em in, in 
the first  place. Once there's a lease in place. There's little chance of 
So, disagreement noted, on this rare time that we do disagree.
Jeff, Mark, Kudos!
Jay Wright
BTW, I totally agree with you on the Jey's Auto situation.
In a message dated 9/10/2007 7:02:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  
bruce.wernek at mindspring.com writes:

This is not Bethesda, this is Riverdale. 


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