[RP TownTalk] Town Center of Dreams

JayRite at aol.com JayRite at aol.com
Tue Sep 11 14:06:04 UTC 2007

You make good points Bruce, and I'm sure you are aware of the economic  
situation, but this is a public board so I'm trying to spell it out for all  
interested. It's not just about you so please don't take it that way. 
How are you so certain that it's NOT going to get better. It is NOT  a no 
brainer! There are way too many variables. We all have some optimism,  here. I'm 
not living in LA LA land. 
BOTTOM LINE. If you bring in shoddy business, you keep shoddy business.  
In a message dated 9/11/2007 8:11:41 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
bruce.wernek at mindspring.com writes:

For your information, I'm very much aware or the economic situation.   It's 
part of my job as a landlord.  This is precisely the reason I'm  bringing all 
of this up.  If things get worse, what do you think is going  to happen to the 
Town Center?  So far nothing has happened,  it's certainly not going to get 
better.  Commerical paper is drying up  because banks are afraid to lend.  Where 
do you think Jemal is going to  get the money he needs to finish up his 
spaces in the Town Center.  If he  has access to capital in a tight credit market, 
do you think he's going to  invest it in Riverdale, or his properties on U St, 
in Bethesday, etc?   It's a no brainer.


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