[RP TownTalk] Town Center

JayRite at aol.com JayRite at aol.com
Tue Sep 11 14:15:06 UTC 2007

Right on Emily! Now you're getting somewhere. PR is a great way to go.  
Controlled rent with the covenants in place (as Bruce claims already exist).  
Continued discussions between the town and developers, continued. Not protest. 
Communication, not polarization. Rabble rousing gets us nowhere. 
Thanks Emily,
In a message dated 9/11/2007 9:24:30 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
OurDollMom at aol.com writes:

There must be a way to avoid seedy
type low rent businesses to get the 
art people in here and small shops 
maybe by our own residents.
But high rents, a dead looking Town
Center & all of us having a hot debate
& then all drops dead - and by the way
the Town - just because there is just
my Little Place & the Pet Store - how
is the town advertising us, promoting 
us.????? Supporting us????


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