[RP TownTalk] Major business at special legislative sessions should be avoided

Roland Walker walker at pobox.com
Tue Sep 11 17:49:49 UTC 2007

I saw the following on the TownAnnounce list

   > Special Legislative Meeting: September 11, 2007; 8:00p.m.
   > 4.    Authorize to procure Financial & Code software for Town Government.

Why are major purchases being decided on at untelevised special
sessions?  This is becoming a habit -- a bad habit.

Other major decisions have been made at special sessions that were not
televised or audiotaped, and except for the efforts of Councilwoman
Walker, would not even have had minutes.

Important business should be conducted at the regular public meetings
which are set up for that purpose.  The regular meetings draw greater
citizen input and participation, which is of paramount concern.

The proposed software purchase amount may be in the tens of thousands.
 I would like to point out that even though I am married to a
councilmember, and even though I have inquired of other
councilmembers, I still have not been able to find out the amount of
this contract, though the meeting at which it is to be considered in
scheduled just hours from now.

This is not government in the open.

A major purchase like that should be discussed at multiple open
meetings, at minimum: one committee meeting, one work session, one
legislative session.


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