[RP TownTalk] 4-H Club forming

Todd Whitehead twhitehead76 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 12 12:23:54 UTC 2007

  Welcome to Riverdale Park!
  One place you might want to look in to is the Riverdale Park Boys and Girls Club building on 51st Ave.  I loive on 51st Ave and can't recall seeing people in it very often.

Arletta Gustafson <arlettag at comcast.net> wrote:
        st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }                Hello,
  My name is Arletta Gustafson.  I am fairly new to the area.  I moved from western Washington State in ’05 and moved to Riverdale this past April.  I am a 4-H leader and am trying to start a club for the youth of Riverdale Park to learn about all kinds of animals including the care and feeding of, origins, uses (in the case of farm or pack animals), and hopefully, anything else they wish to learn.  I’d like to work community service projects and such in as well.  The goal is for the kids to learn responsibility, empathy, citizenship, and other important life skills that can lead to being a productive citizen that can make contributions to his or her society.  
  My biggest obstacle at this point is finding a location to meet.  I live near Riverdale Elementary and would like to find a place nearby that is easily accessible by the youth and is affordable (note: free or pretty darn close).  Does anyone know of a safe place that might be open to this activity?  I am unavailable until about 6 in the evening and on Saturdays.  I would like to have the meeting one evening a week or possibly on Sunday afternoons.  In Washington State I used buildings of worship, community centers, and various other building to set up clubs.  I have tried making arrangements with the school but I am having difficulty getting through to the administration and I’ve been told that if you use the school it needs to be an afterschool program and not in the evening.
  I’m also looking for speakers to talk about different animals.  I have spoken with Dan at the pet store and will be speaking with my vet.  I’m also going to try to get some volunteers from the zoo.  If anyone knows anyone that specializes in animals of any kind I would love to be in touch with them.
  Please let me know if you have any questions or need clarification.  I am a leader through the UM-Cooperative Extension in PG County and have passed background checks and also am employed at the national level with 4-H.
  I just realized that you may not be familiar with 4-H.  I come from an agricultural area so I grew up with it.  If you would like to know more about what it is, please let me know.  I really believe in the program and am happy to share.
  Arletta Gustafson
  Calvert Park Apartments

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