[RP TownTalk] Town Center of Dreams

JayRite at aol.com JayRite at aol.com
Wed Sep 12 16:29:47 UTC 2007

Bruce wrote:
There are not going to be any pawn shops, porno  video stores, laudromats, 
etc. because these uses are not allowed in the Town  Center.  Jemal signed 
convenants to this effect and I believe there are  some other related restrictions 
for little guys like me.  I would  appreciate it if those participating in 
this forum would stop inferring this can  happen because it can't. 
Actually after reviewing the link, graciously posted by  Roland, I have found 
a few very interesting businesses that are allowable per  this documentation. 
I present these findings forthwith:
In case you'd like to read for yourself: 

But basically, under "Part 10 Mixed Use Zones Division 3. Uses Permitted"  
(pages 4-19 of 57 of the pdf), I have pulled a few out for your viewing  
(sp) indicates that the use is permitted subject to the approval of a  
Special Permit. 
(p) indicates permitted
(se) indicates permitted by special exception
Here's some samples:
Dry Cleaners (p)
Employment Agency (p)
Fortune Teller (se)
Massage Establishment (se)
Auction House (sp)
Check Cashing (sp)
Liquor Store (sp)
Laundromat (sp)
Church or Place of Worship (sp)
Fortunately: Porno and Pawn shops are indeed, excluded from the list.  Please 
determine for yourselves whether or not you'd like any of the for  mentioned 
establishments in our Town Center storefronts. 
Jay Wright

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