[RP TownTalk] Fwd: Cafritz meetings - Saturday and Tuesday; also East Campus info

Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland twacks at his.com
Thu Sep 13 14:56:30 UTC 2007

Eric Olson, our County Council representative asked that this be  
posted. This information was also in Rob Oppenheim's message from  
Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I wanted to let you know that the next round of public meetings will  
be held this Saturday and this coming Tuesday at Riverdale Elementary  
School (see information below).  The Cafritz family will be sharing  
initial concepts for their proposed development at this meeting and I  
encourage you to please attend and share your views.  This round of  
meetings (Saturday and Tuesday are intended as identical meetings)  
will not feature the "stations" of previous meetings, but instead  
will have a 20 minute presentation, followed by question and answer/ 
discussion period with the community audience.  This will be a good  
opportunity for community dialogue about the proposal.

I apologize that I will not be able to attend the Saturday session  
(but my staff will be there), although I intend to be there on Tuesday.


Saturday, September 15, 2007: 10:00am-Noon

Tuesday, September 18, 2007: 7:00pm-9:00pm


Riverdale Elementary School
5006 Riverdale Road
Riverdale Park, MD 20737

The Cafritz website (www.cafritzpop.com) now includes a PDF of  
presentations as well as comments from the previous community  
forums.  I know that everyone was not able to make all the meetings,  
especially the last session in July, so I wanted to let you know that  
the information is now available.  Please also send any comments on  
the project to the Cafritzes through their website (feel free to also  
copy me and/or my legislative aide, Dannielle Glaros on your  
comments:dmglaros at co.pg.md.us

I hope you can attend, and look forward to strong community  
involvement in this and other potential development projects in our  

East Campus

Speaking of other projects, there is a community process that has  
just started regarding the redevelopment of "East Campus" at the  
University of Maryland, 38 acres located at the intersection of Paint  
Branch Parkway and Route 1.  The next meeting is on September 20th,  
at the Atrium in the Stamp Student UnionBuilding starting at 7:30  
pm.  The list of meetings is at: http://www.eastcampus.umd.edu/ 
InitEvent.cfm?flag=u and more information can be found  

Thank you,

Eric Olson

County Council Member, District 3

eolson at co.pg.md.us


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