[RP TownTalk] Development, Under Development, and Non Development

Lou King lking at knob.com
Sun Sep 16 16:51:40 UTC 2007

If you would like to continue your May 18 conversation on TownTalk about 
"Land Value Tax" why not stay on TownTalk?  That way all may see and 
evaluate you views not just me?

That is the friendly view of your email to me.  The less charitable view is:

Sense you and I have not discussed this topic before, I must assume that 
you have "harvested" my email address for the TownTalk forum and chosen 
to seen me unsolicited email. I receive over 200 unsolicited emails a 
day.  Today I will receive over 201 unsolicited emails.  Thank you.


Jack Randall Jones wrote:
> Dear Lou,
> I have enclosed some sites that can give us a framework for what could 
> work in Riverdale Park and some particulars on Riverdale Commercial 
> Properties. ...

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