[RP TownTalk] Development, Under Development, and Non Development

CHRISTINA DAVIS book-smart at verizon.net
Sun Sep 16 23:40:08 UTC 2007

Ah, but we here in Hagerstown are looking at it anew given our elected
officials' desire to keep the government open (which is police, paid fire,
power and sewer companies, serious economic development and community
affairs funding, social services, etc.--the 5th largest employer in
Washington County) while recognizing our large number of retiring and
first-time home buyers and an impossible tax hit. We also have much
underdeveloped and some slum conditions that this could fix (the city is
currently 40% owner occupied vs. 60% investor, even with a city-sponsored
home ownership program, especially around our large "Town Center"; some of
you in Wards 1 and 2 will recall a similar situation in recent years with
several inattentive landlords).

I have noticed that the only thing keeping Riverdale Park over the years
from introducing this revised tax calculation is timing (elections mostly).
And some serious staff time to get the paperwork in order and the word out.
And, unfortunately, some rather unfair denigration from people who didn't
think of it first.

Don't judge Jack by his cover of Libertarian politics; he--and this idea--is
a good read for hard-working homeowners who like twice weekly trash pick-up
and fast police response along with an affordable mortgage payment.

I have already calculated an estimated far lower tax hit on my house here
and given my mayor my opinion "for" serious exploration.

Given that we are only 10 minutes from PA, where this tax is more prevalent,
it is less scary to fathom a change here in Hagerstown. But a few committed
Riverdale Park residents, just like those throughout the town's history who
got the first street lights, phone service, and paved roads; saved a
mansion; survived a highway bisection; and started recycling and a farmer's
market before they were trendy (and with vocal, and history has shown,
uninformed opposition), could do it.

As so few of the town's residents are on this listserv, or read the Town
Crier or Gazette, perhaps it would be good to do more face-to-face time with
the neighbors (let's look at those blue-collar ones, too) not "in the know"
to see where people really stand. 

Good luck! I'll let you know how far we get here.

Chris Davis

-----Original Message-----
From: towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org
[mailto:towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org] On Behalf Of Lou King
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 4:00 PM
To: TownTalk
Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Development, Under Development, and Non

That was my memory also.  My real point was the 2nd paragraph and to 
gently see if other forum members were being emailed off the forum based 
of their forum participation. (Yes always the security geek.)


Roland Walker wrote:
> Land Value Tax has already been discussed ad infinitum in Riverdale
> Park.  Candidates have even run for office on this platform (and
> lost).  It has been discussed on TownTalk:
>    http://riverdale-park.org/pipermail/towntalk/2006-April/000406.html
> At the request of some citizens, multiple mayoral administrations and
> multiple councils have given the idea due consideration.  To my
> knowledge, no member of town government has proposed to implement it.
> This is probably because, while it is a somewhat nifty idea, it is not
> an important one, nor a particularly valuable tool for our specific
> issues (see the link above).
> R
> On 9/16/07, Lou King <lking at knob.com> wrote:
>> Jack,
>> If you would like to continue your May 18 conversation on TownTalk about
>> "Land Value Tax" why not stay on TownTalk?  That way all may see and
>> evaluate you views not just me?
>> That is the friendly view of your email to me.  The less charitable view
>> Sense you and I have not discussed this topic before, I must assume that
>> you have "harvested" my email address for the TownTalk forum and chosen
>> to seen me unsolicited email. I receive over 200 unsolicited emails a
>> day.  Today I will receive over 201 unsolicited emails.  Thank you.
>> Lou
>> Jack Randall Jones wrote:
>>> Dear Lou,
>>> I have enclosed some sites that can give us a framework for what could
>>> work in Riverdale Park and some particulars on Riverdale Commercial
>>> Properties. ...
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