[RP TownTalk] alternatives to creating more garbage

Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland twacks at his.com
Mon Sep 17 01:47:50 UTC 2007

[Sarah here, speaking only for myself.]

It's my understanding that the county will not pick up cardboard or  
white paper - only newspaper and glossy (e.g., magazine) paper.  
Please correct me if I'm wrong about that.

The Town collects *all* paper in its truck on Saturdays.

I don't know what the Elementary School collects.

There's also the recycling center on the University of Maryland  
campus that takes glass, metal, and plastic, in addition to paper  
(though I'm not sure what sorts of paper they take. I should look  
into that.)


On Sep 16, 2007, at 3:49 PM, Lou King wrote:

> As for option c) I believe I have heard that the Town pays the  
> county by
> the pound for the Wednesday recycling pickup.  That's why I didn't
> include that option for paper.
> That is the only option I know of for glass, plastic, cans etc.  And I
> try not to have lots of that.
> Lou
> Marc Molino wrote:
>> That's a good question, Lou. I'l have to defer to anyone on the list
>> that can answer that: What is best for the town in terms of recycling
>> paper: a)Take to the elementary school? b) Take to Public Works on
>> Saturdays? c) Tie it up and let it be collected on Wednesdays from
>> your residence (the county will provide you with recycling container
>> free of charge if you don't have one)?
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