[RP TownTalk] Town Center-Dreams

OurDollMom at aol.com OurDollMom at aol.com
Mon Sep 17 10:43:02 UTC 2007

Good Morning All - Good Morn Brian
We always seem to go from one extreme
to another regarding rents for Town Center.
No one is suggesting to lower the rents and
then let in the types of business along 
Kenilworth Ave.  I thought someone said we
have convenents to help with getting the
types of business we want.  Since we are
historic, that means we have control.  Other
towns have appropriate business in their
historic districts.
Regarding whether tourists spend money -
sometimes more than others. Some age
groups more than others.  As a woman 
I spend according to what kinds of shops 
are available.  If I go to a historic place I
like to brouse/spend in shops complementing
the historic place.  I always eat in the little
town where the home people eat & chat with
them.  They say their shops do well in summer
& holidays. We are talking historic districts.
We need a mix of businesses in Town Center
to pull it all together.  There has to be a way 
to succeed.  But if we continue to go far left
& far right in our thinking - we will never meet
in the middle.

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