[RP TownTalk] Vacant Bldgs

Lou King lking at knob.com
Mon Sep 10 15:12:58 UTC 2007

His proposal may be on the table, but its dead.  Last Tuesday the 
Council voted to say that they did not want a new gas station on that 
corner - that may not be technically correct, but that is the result.  
Based on the Multi-use standards "we" want a 3-5 story building on that 
corner, built out to Rout 1.  (Yes the standard says 6 story, but it 
also says not more than 2 stories higher than the adjacent buildings 
(which will be 3 stories).)

The corner that Jays sits on has been identified as a "Gateway" to 
Riverdale.  Do we really want a BP gas station on that corner?  And if 
you want me to get on my soapbox, we could address the trash and noise 
from the late night operation of a gas station like the one on 
Queensbury and Rt 1. 

But Bruce you are correct, we should be consistent.  We (the town) are 
holding our ground with the developers on the Rt 1/410 corner.  Holding 
out for multi-story, multi-use, pedestrian friendly development. And I 
think we are getting what we want.

As for Pete, he may view his treatment as less than "red carpet."  The 
community developed standards for that area included 3 stories.  Pete 
wanted 5 stories. There was also an issue of parking.  Again "we" held 
out for the standards we have agreed to.

As for rolling out the red carpet, I think Jeys has gotten the same 
"carpet" as everyone else.


bruce.wernek at mindspring.com wrote:
> Emily
> We can get started by doing something about Jeys Auto.  He made a 
> proposal which was far and away better than it is now.  I don't know 
> if any of our readers have looked at his property lately, but it's as 
> bad as it gets.  We rolled out the red carpet for Pete, but for some 
> reason nothing happened with Jeys.  Does anyone have an update on this?
> If his proposal is still on the table.  Why don't we roll out the red 
> carpet for him.
> Bruce

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