[RP TownTalk] Town Center of Dreams

Marc Molino mmolino54 at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 11 12:29:19 UTC 2007

Thanks for this info, Bruce. What do you make of the fact that Jemal sold 
his properties on Kenilworth (across from the Elks lodge)? I noticed a sign 
up for a different developer a month or two back.

From: bruce.wernek at mindspring.com
Reply-To: bruce.wernek at mindspring.com
To: Marc Molino <mmolino54 at hotmail.com>, towntalk at riverdale-park.org
Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Town Center of Dreams
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 08:12:52 -0400 (GMT-04:00)


For you information, there are convenants which prevent the types of 
business you have listed below from occupying spaces in the Town Center.


-----Original Message-----
 >From: Marc Molino <mmolino54 at hotmail.com>
 >Sent: Sep 11, 2007 7:57 AM
 >To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
 >Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Town Center of Dreams
 >Well, it seems like we've got an essential split in terms of approaches
 >(although everyone wants a vital commercial center): 1) Get (almost) any
 >business in ASAP; or, 2) Wait a little while longer and try to attract 
 >desirable or more established businesses. Seems like you can almost divide
 >who follows which approach by how long they've been in town (with longtime
 >residents prefering #1 and some of the newer residents prefering 
 >I said almost. Personally, I'm about in the middle of those two 
 >I think occupied buildings beat vacant ones, but I really would NOT care 
 >a liquor store, a strip club, a check-cashing store, a porn shop, nor one 
 >those stores that sells stuff seen on TV (I don't like anyone who might 
 >me seeing me frequent these establishments, especially the latter, but 
 >that's just me).
 >Bruce, my problem with saying let's protest, is that I didn't quite
 >understand what you were going to protest or what you wanted as an 
 >You started to get at this below where you pointed to Jemal leasing at 
 >rates. I think in order to be effective, you've got to be concrete about
 >what you want Jemal to do and you've got to make the case that it's
 >something he hasn't been doing (which is why I asked if we have any clue
 >whatsoever in terms of interest expressed in leasing space in the town
 >Let's look at College Park and EYA.
 >College Park: Estimated population ~27,000
 >Median income: $57.5K
 >Median house/condo value: $265.5K
 >Hyattsville: Estimated population ~15,000
 >Median income: $52K
 >Median house/condo value: $241.1K
 >Riverdale Park
 >Estimated population ~6,550
 >Median income: $50.5K
 >Median house/condo value: $243.9K
 >So the huge difference among the 3 towns is population and geography
 >(College Park & Hyattsville being larger areas and having much bigger
 >portions of Route 1 within their town limits), which play a big factor to
 >I realize your pride in Riverdale Park is behind your passionate 
 >but we seem to discussing all issues at once--in some we're in 
 >(I disagree that we should just protest Jemal--I think we should protest 
 >something like lower lease rates or some other concrete outcome and I 
 >we should be doing more to draw businesses to us; as you said, the town
 >center has been vacant 20+ years--what was the problem before Jemal? it
 >sounds like you're using him as a scape goat--I definitely think he's more
 >of an obstacle, but he's certainly not the origin of the problem--I've 
 >in town for 6 years and the town center currently looks better than I've
 >ever seen it, although I no longer know where to go to see dead pigeons in
 >storefront windows). Other issues we agree on: a new gas station is better
 >than a derelict gas station.
 >I am in favor a two-pronged approach:
 >1) Pressure Jemal in the most productive way we can;
 >2) Market/advertise/promote Riverdale Park
 >4801 Queensbury
 >From: "Bruce Wernek" <bruce.wernek at mindspring.com>
 >To: <towntalk at riverdale-park.org>
 >Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Town Center of Dreams
 >Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 19:02:02 -0400
 >Jeff, Jay, Mark,
 >I don't agree.  We've been waiting for 20+ years.  How long is long 
 >Take a look at College Park.  They're 1 mile away.  Talk about density.
 >Consider EYA vs. Jeys Auto.  This dichotomy is a direct reflection on the
 >citizens of this Town.  We'd rather have a derelict gas station than a new
 >one.  I just don't get it.  It's absolutely nuts.  (If any of you don't
 >agree don't send an email until you take the time and look at our Town's
 >"Gateway" as Lou so succinctly put it.)
 >I would be happy if anyone occupied the spaces in the Town Center.  Then 
 >have tenants to draw the interest of the "Hi Brow" establishments.  Right
 >now there is nothing and nothing it will remain.  Jemal has to take the
 >first steps and lease at low prices, but why should he.  No one is giving
 >him any reason to.
 >Consider the following.  Take a new residential development project,
 >typically developers will sell the first units at a lower price to get
 >people in there so their condos/homes are occupied.  Then they ramp up the
 >prices as the project builds out.  The same is true for the Town Center or
 >any other commercial property, you get the first tenants in with low 
 >footage costs then up the anti as the spaces get leased.  Jemal knows all 
 >this.  He's been leasing property for years.  We keep holding out putting 
 >with vacant and derelict properties thinking that a Starbucks or Trader
 >Joe's is going to move in.  I'm sorry, but this is just not going to 
 >This is not Bethesda, this is Riverdale.  The types of tenants we will get
 >in the Town Center are all around us, along Kenilworth Ave, Rt 1, Decatur
 >St, etc.  You have to start somewhere.  The question is, are we ever going
 >to start.
 >-----Original Message-----
 >From: Yorkedial at aol.com [mailto:Yorkedial at aol.com]
 >Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 6:10 PM
 >To: JayRite at aol.com; bruce.wernek at mindspring.com;
 >towntalk at riverdale-park.org
 >Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Town Center of Dreams
 >Are We Creating A Hot Zone or Just Grave Digging?
 >Jay Wright is Mr. Right in this case. Lowering the rent will get you just
 >that: "low rent businesses," and hence, all the joys that come with that.
 >While Mr. Jemal may be guilty of disappointing some folks, he has been
 >considerate enough not to fill his the space with low brow establishments 
 >dollar store, check cashing, nail salons, Asian carry-out fronted by
 >Plexiglas, etc. Nothing wrong with any of those business but they aren't
 >what Riverdale Park has been waiting for.
 >Perhaps Town Talkers could create a realistic wish list of businesses they
 >would want in the Town Center. Consider established, local businesses 
 >a 25-mile radius of RP that you like, use and would want in town. List 
 >one that you really would support (please focus) if it were across the
 >street from the S & J Restaurant. Once a list of solid contenders is
 >drafted, perhaps then the business development committee could pursue 
 >businesses with a consult with Doug Jemal. Let's go and grow from there.
 >But remember, no business operator is going to invest in a 20-year ghost
 >town if there is no sign of life. If your pledges of support are empty, so
 >are your stores.
 >Jeffrey Yorke
 >Natoli Place Apartments
 >In a message dated 9/10/2007 5:31:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
 >JayRite at aol.com writes:
 >If you're going to do that, you must focus.
 >We are all clearly disappointed that buildings have been vacant for 20+
 >years, (not sure how accurate that is as I've only been here for 10). But 
 >careful who you choose to do battle with. "Jemalville" is catchy, but
 >inaccurate as a target of our 20+ year angst.
 >Douglas Development did not acquire the properties that they own until as
 >recently as 2002-2003. [only 4-5 years ago, according to the The Maryland 
 >National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC)]. I know we all 
 >had very high hopes that they would have turned those properties into
 >Shangrila, by now. But the fact of the matter is that they haven't yet, 
 >until the economy itself, generally turns to the better, probably won't
 >right away.
 >Can they lower the rent? Sure! But, I ask you, what kind of business will
 >that bring in? I'm sure if you put enough pressure on the developer they 
 >give in. But be careful what you wish for. We may end up with a Pawn Shop, 
 >check cashing place, laundry mat, etc...
 >You thought that vacant buildings were a nuisance, believe me, it can be
 >much worse. If vacancy means holding out for the things that we really 
 >long term. I'm willing to wait a little while longer.
 >Apply pressure gently, and accurately.
 >Not advice, just an observation.
 >Jay Wright
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