[RP TownTalk] Balto. Artwork

Edwin Roth rotheroa at verizon.net
Wed Sep 12 14:04:58 UTC 2007

Hello again,

Kennedy Smith, as per Marc's email, will have some ideas on to proceed 
with getting art into windows.  It seems to be a common practice around 
the country, for trying to revitalize or gain interest into said area.  
  She is most likely well versed into doing such a venture.

To proceed with something like this, I think the following would have 
to be addressed

1) Address Economic Development Committee and see how they stand with 
this idea

2) Find out the contacts within the Jemal Douglas group, that 
discussions could start- and what the town's history has been with 
communication with the group

3) Find out if Jemal Douglas Group is interested and what they would 
need in place for something like this to happen
	A) Do they need insurance for such a venture, or would they be willing 
to take it on?
		1) If they want us to provide insurance, how would that work?
	B) Would they conceed to having the paint removed from the windows, so 
that art could be displayed? Would they cover that cost?
	C) Is their interior lighting, so that work could be displayed in the 
evening, who would pay the electrical bill?
	D) Would they have a time frame or limit to such a venture?

4) Locate resources and possible funding from the state of Maryland ( 
Maryland State Arts Council), and PG Redevelopment Groups that would 
donate to such a thing.

5) Enter discussion with groups that have already done such an 
endeavor, so to fine tune a plan for this city.

6) Come up with a plan on how and what to show in the windows
	A) Art is very subjective, obviously, the town might want to agree on 
what they want seen in their windows or not...
	B) Do we want to include arts groups already in the area - that could 
show their art, and perhaps let the outside world what is happening in 
and around our neighborhood
		Examples:   University  of Maryland Art Graduate Students, Boys & 
Girls Club Art work,  Art work from Riverdale Elementary , Local 
Riverdale Artists, Hyattsville Artists
	C) Who would curate what goes up and be responsible for art work  and 
dealing with the artists
			(Being responsible for art work is another insurance issue)


On Sep 12, 2007, at 9:17 AM, Sarah Wayland wrote:

>> So where do we start??What is the first
>> step????  We need a grant? Does Pat
>> Prangly do this??????    Emily
> I think the first step is to talk to Jemal to find out if he would
> allow us to paint murals on his private property.
> -Sarah
> -- 
> Sarah Wayland
> Maryland - USA
> sarah.wayland at gmail.com
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