[RP TownTalk] Town Center of Dreams

Alan K. Thompson twacks at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 19:14:34 UTC 2007

If I remember correctly, the Town attached covenants to the deed when
the properties were sold to Douglas Development (aka Jemal).  I don't
think there is an on-line version of these, but you could ask for a
copy from the Town.

Just to be clear, the restrictions you and I were quoting were "zoning
restrictions," which  have a relatively easy process for
bending/setting aside, as needed.  The "covenants" which apply to the
property are legal instruments attached to the deed, and require much
more work to set aside and/or change.

(I am not a lawyer, however, and haven't even played one on TV, so
take my words for what they're worth). ;-)


On 9/12/07, JayRite at aol.com <JayRite at aol.com> wrote:
> Alan,
> Do you mean there are other covenants in addition to the ones that you and I
> have both quoted?
> Jay
> In a message dated 9/12/2007 1:21:07 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> twacks at gmail.com writes:
> These restrictions are what regulate uses in the buildings not covered
> by the covenants Bruce mentioned (they regulate use there, as well,
> but I believe the covenants are somewhat more restrictive).
> Alan
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